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Immigration Crisis Initiative

To address concerns about Navajo Nation citizens being caught up in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids, we have compiled information and resources to help our citizens navigate these issues.

If you’ve witnessed an incident or have a concern, please let us know:

Facts and Tips


  • The Navajo Nation received several reports that Navajo citizens living in urban areas were being detained by immigration agents by way of “immigration sweeps” and that Navajos’ citizenship was being questioned.
  • As yet, not one report has been confirmed or could be substantiated.
  • We have met with other tribal leaders living close to the US-Mexican border, and they have reported no unusual activity.
  • Please report any concerns or tips:
    Online Incident Form
  • We will follow up on these tips and ensure that out Diné citizens are protected.


  • Carry a state-issued id card
  • If you are stopped and questioned, do not escalate the situation and comply with law enforcement if asked to verify your identity.
  • Law enforcement officials may hold you until your citizenship status is determined.
  • QUESTION SOCIAL MEDIA: Please question what you read on social media and the source.
  • Always be aware of your surroundings and stay safe!
What to do if confronted by ICE agents
Navajo Nation ID Cards (NNID)

Navajo Nation Identification (NNID) cards are valid for four (4) years and must be renewed in person. For more information, please contact:

The Navajo Office of Vital Records (NOVRI)

What your kids should know

Please speak with your kids about what’s currently going on, including questioning the facts and sources of anything on social media.

Some public sites, organizations, and restaurants are being raided by ICE. As a precaution, your children should memorize your phone number and their SSN (social security number), and everyone should have current, valid documentation on them (Social Security Card, NNID, CIB, or passport).

Contact Info for Navajo Immigration Concerns

Navajo ICE Concerns Hotline:

US Representative Teresa Leger Fernandez:

Navajo Nation Human Rights:

ICE Online Detainee Locator System

Use this page to locate a detainee who is currently in ICE custody or who has been in U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s custody for more than 48 hours: