Immigration Crisis Initiative Partners
The following are the leadership team and partners helping members of the Navajo Nation manage the immigration crisis.

Navajo Office of Vital Records & ID (NOVRI)
The Navajo Office of Vital Records and Identification is responsible for tribal enrollment information, and maintaining updates to the records of tribal members.

Navajo Department of Health
The Navajo Department of Health delivers a variety of health services in the areas of nutrition, aging, substance abuse, outreach, and emergency medical services, working in close partnership with state, federal, and local partners.

Public Health Emergency Preparedness
Our mission is to support and strengthen the Navajo Nation’s ability to prepare for, respond to and recover from public health threats and emergencies to save lives.

Division of Behavioral & Mental Health Services
Treating behavioral health and substance use challenges by offering a full range of outpatient and inpatient services.

Homeless ID Project
We assist clients in acquiring, at no cost to them, replacement identification documents including birth certificates and other supporting documents. We also offer secure document storage in order to prevent loss, theft, or destruction of these documents.